It is advisable not to undertake investments without comprehensive market and competitive analyses. A professional market analysis provides essential insights for expanding into new markets. Therefore, it is crucial to gather reliable information during implementation and draw the right conclusions. We assist you in accurately assessing and demonstrating the viability of your project and its chances of success

Analysis of the Sales Market

A market analysis can answer numerous questions, providing a central database for aligning the company and strategically planning its marketing strategy.

Market Participants

Individual Customer Survey B2C and B2B

Schönhaus Market Research conducts regular customer surveys among users. We provide individual consultation on services and products. The results are examined by experienced experts and supplemented with insightful analyses. We combine our business approach with state-of-the-art technology in data collection and innovative analysis methods for meaningful results. With Schönhaus Market Research and customer surveys, you stay connected with the key stakeholders in your company

The Marketing Environment PEST Analysis

Key Metrics for Determining Market Size

We assess the acceptance and market potential of your services and/or products. In your product development, we ensure collaboration with potential customers, thereby ensuring the market success of your innovations in the D.A.CH. region

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